JWB FY24 Provider Townhall July 2023 Resources:
FY24 Provider Town Hall Session Recording
JWB FY25 Provider Townhall July 2024 Resources:
FY25 Agency Town Hall Presentation
FY25 Provider Town Hall Session Recording
JWB Program Monitoring
4Cs Presentation PowerPoint and Video
4Cs of Collaborative Monitoring
Tiered Monitoring Assessment Tool
JWB values the work of and partnership with our funded providers. The following forms and information are for use by JWB funded programs. If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact your JWB Program Consultant.
Statement of Purpose – English
Statement of Purpose - Spanish
Funding Match Commitment Letter Request
Affidavit of Good Moral Character-English
Affidavit of Good Moral Character-Spanish
Automobile Liability Insurance Requirements
Procedures for Implementing Direct Data Uploads
JWB Financial Policies and Procedures for Funded Programs effective 10.01.24
JWB Financial Policies and Procedures for Funded Programs effective 10.01.23
Field Trip Exception Application
Subcontractor Affidavit for E-Verify
FY25 Program Contract Template
Matrix Of Required Limits Of Insurance
JWB has two secure web applications or online tools that funded agency providers can access: JWB Flex and SharePoint.
We seek to responsibly invest in programs with proven results and create innovative partnerships that benefit tens of thousands of children and families each year. The Juvenile Welfare Board invests in programs and services within our key result areas: Early Childhood Development; School Readiness; School Success; Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect; and Strengthening Community.
In addition, JWB’s Five Funding Principles align with our Guiding Values, and help drive our investments and competitive procurements:
- We value every child.
- We embrace collaboration.
- We are accountable and results-driven.
- We pursue innovation.
- We value equity, diversity, and inclusion.
CLICK HERE to learn more about our funding opportunities, funding principles, and to sign up to receive future funding notices.